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Discovering the Rich Flavors of Libya: Aromatic Sharmoula-Marinated Grilled Fish

Discovering the Rich Flavors of Libya: Aromatic Sharmoula-Marinated Grilled Fish

[[ recipeID=recipe-8lksndtbc, title=Libyan Sharmoula-Marinated Grilled Fish ]]

Libyan Sharmoula-Marinated Grilled Fish

Libya, a captivating North African country, boasts a culinary heritage that is as diverse as its history and landscapes. Among the many delightful dishes cherished by Libyans, Sharmoula-Marinated Grilled Fish stands out as a tantalizing recipe. This traditional dish combines the freshness of grilled fish with the vibrant flavours of sharmoula, a fragrant herb and spice marinade. 

Seafood has been an integral part of Libyan cuisine for centuries, and this dish showcases the country's close connection to the Mediterranean Sea. The marinade, sharmoula, is believed to have originated in North Africa and is known for its aromatic blend of herbs, spices, and citrus flavours. Over time, this marinade has become a staple in Libyan cooking, especially for grilling fish to perfection.

Join us on a culinary adventure as we explore the ingredients, preparation, cooking time, and servings of this delectable Libyan delicacy.

Servings: 6

Keywords: Fish

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 6 mins
  • Total Time: 21 mins




Sharmoula Marinade

  • 1 bunch Fresh cilantro, stems removed
  • 1 bunch Fresh Parsley, stems removed
  • 4 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Coriander
  • 1 teaspoon Paprika
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • ¼ cup Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Grilled Fish

  • 2 pounds Firm White Fish Filets (such as red snapper, grouper, or sea bass)
  • Sharmoula marinade
  • Lemon wedges (for serving)


  1. In a food processor or blender, combine the cilantro, parsley, garlic cloves, ground cumin, ground coriander, paprika, lemon juice, lime juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Blend until smooth, creating the sharmoula marinade.
  2. Rinse the fish fillets under cold water and pat them dry using paper towels. Place the fish in a shallow dish and pour the sharmoula marinade over the fillets, ensuring they are well-coated. Cover the dish and let the fish marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, allowing the flavours to infuse.
  3. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. (180-200 degrees)
  4. Remove the fish fillets from the marinade, shaking off any excess, and place them directly on the preheated grill. Cook the fish for about 4-5 minutes per side or until they are opaque and easily flake with a fork. Avoid overcooking to maintain their moistness.
  5. Once the fish is cooked, transfer it to a serving platter.
  6. Garnish the grilled fish with fresh cilantro or parsley leaves and serve hot with lemon wedges on the side for an extra burst of citrus flavour.


As a general guideline, the cooking time for grilled fish is approximately 4-5 minutes per side. However, it is important to note that cooking times can vary based on personal preferences and the desired level of doneness.

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