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Kenyan Irio Mashed (Potatoes and Peas)

Kenyan Irio Mashed (Potatoes and Peas)

Irio is a flavoursome and traditional dish in Kenya that showcases the vibrant culinary landscape of the country, It’s also known as "Mashed Potatoes and Peas." Irio traces its rich cultural heritage to the Kikuyu people in central Kenya. They cultivated different crops including potatoes and peas which have been used in crafting the recipes for the dish for many years.

The dish spread beyond the Kikuyu community and embraced across other parts of Kenya and with time, vegetables and other seasonings were incorporated into it and cherished for its simplicity and nourishment.

Preparation Time

45 minutes.

Kenyan Iro



4 large potatoes (peeled and cut into chunks)

2 cups fresh spinach or kale (chopped)

Onion (chopped)

Garlic (minced)

1 cup fresh 

Water or vegetable broth

Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cook the potatoes in a large pot for about 20 minutes with either water or vegetable broth until they are tender.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a separate pan, add the chopped onions and minced garlic, and stir until lightly browned.
  • Add the peas to the onion and garlic mixture, and cook for a few minutes.
  • Add the spinach or kale to the mixture.
  • Mash the cooked potatoes with either a masher or fork until their lump-free
  • Add the cooked peas and green mixtures to the mashed potatoes, and mix them.
  • Add the salt, pepper and any other preferred spices; allow to cook for a few minutes.
  • The Irio is ready and can be served with grilled chicken, beef stew and more.