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Mombasa Pumpkin Dessert (Kenya)

Mombasa Pumpkin Dessert (Kenya)

There are different versions of pumpkin desserts in most of Africa and the rest of the world but the Mombasa Pumpkin Dessert has become quite popular within the region. Mombasa is a coastal city located in the Southeastern part of Kenya and strongly associated with the dessert named after the city. Mombasa is often made with pumpkin, coconut milk, sugar and other spices; it is enjoyed after a meal during the Christmas festive season for the entire family.

Preparation Time

3o minutes.



2 cups white sugar

1 cup coconut milk

1 teaspoon ground cardamom

1 medium sugar pumpkin (seeded and cubed)


  • Steam the pumpkin pieces for about 10 minutes.
  • Then scoop the flesh from the skin
  • Combine the flesh and sugar in a medium saucepan.
  • Heat over medium heat till sugar dissolves in the pumpkin.
  • Add the coconut and cardamom, and stir occasionally till the mixture thickens to a pudding-like texture.
  • Serve hot.