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Namibian Spinach Stew: Omboga

Namibian Spinach Stew: Omboga

Omboga is a beloved traditional Namibian dish that has played a significant role in the nation's culinary heritage for generations. This filling meal has a long history that is intimately connected to Namibia's culture and subsistence. It is made from spinach and other stew ingredients.

The preparation of the spinach stew is likely to have evolved over generations as a way to utilise locally available ingredients and create hearty, nutritious meals. It's a simple and versatile dish that can be adapted to suit the tastes and preferences of different communities.

Preparation Time

50 minutes


1 cup millet or sorghum grains

Sugar or honey 

Milk or yoghurt 

4 cups water



  • Rinse the millet or sorghum grains thoroughly in cold water to remove any impurities.
  • Drain the grains.
  • Add the millet or sorghum grains and water in a large pot.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat.
  • Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer. 
  • Stir the mixture occasionally to prevent sticking or burning.
  • Continue cooking and stirring for about 45 minutes. The grains should become tender and start breaking down, creating a thick, porridge-like consistency.
  • Add salt to taste. 
  • If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add sugar or honey at this point. 
  • Serve hot.