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Ugandan Posho (porridge)

Ugandan Posho (porridge)

Posho is similar to Ugali from Kenya and Tanzani, maize-based porridge plays a significant part in the lifestyle and culinary tradition of Uganda. Aside from it being loved and enjoyed by the locals, it also forms a unique bond among the family and during special festivals as well. The porridge has been enjoyed for many centuries now due to the high cultivation of maize in the country and other parts of East Africa, hence locals found a way to process the maize and make dishes out of it.

Posho remains a beloved part of Ugandan daily life, blending tradition with modern food processing. Its enduring popularity speaks to the resilience of Uganda's culinary customs and the profound historical influence of maize on the nation's lifestyle.

Preparation Time

30 minutes.






  • Boil water in a saucepan or cooking pot
  • Mix the cornmeal with cold water in separate bowls till it smooth in texture
  • Add the cornmeal to the boiling, and stir continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Keep stirring the mixture for about 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Cover it with a lid and slow to simmer for another 10 minutes for it to be firmer and smoother.
  • Turn off the heat and allow the Posho to cool for about 2 minutes, Use the spoon to shape them into a dome.
  • You can serve it with meat stew, ground nut sauce or beans.