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Oha Soup ( Ofe Ora)

Oha Soup ( Ofe Ora)

[[ recipeID=recipe-8ljicah85, title=Oha Soup ( Ofe Ora) ]]

Oha Soup ( Ofe Ora)

Oha soup is a traditional soup popular among the Igbo people of Nigeria. It is made with Oha leaves, cocoyam, meat, and a variety of spices, and it is loved for its unique and delicious taste, as well as its cultural significance. One of the reasons why Oha soup is loved is its rich and satisfying taste. The combination of Oha leaves, spices, and meat creates a unique and delicious flavor that is hard to resist. The soup is also known for its health benefits, as Oha leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.

Servings: 1


  • Prep Time: 50 mins
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Total Time: 50 mins




  • 1 pound  of assorted meats (beef, chicken, tripe, etc.)
  • ½ cup  of crayfish, ground
  • ½ cup of palm oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3 scotch bonnet peppers, chopped
  • 3 cups of chicken or beef broth
  • 3 cups of shredded Oha leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash the assorted meats and set them aside.
  2. In a large pot, heat up the palm oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and sauté for a few minutes until they are soft and translucent.
  3. Add the assorted meats to the pot and stir well.
  4. Add the minced garlic and chopped scotch bonnet peppers to the pot and stir well.
  5. Add the ground crayfish, salt, and pepper to the pot and stir well.
  6. Add the chicken or beef broth to the pot and stir well. You can adjust the amount of broth depending on how thick or thin you want the soup to be.
  7. Let the soup simmer over low heat for about 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Add the shredded Oha leaves to the pot and stir well. Let the soup simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
  9. Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  10. Serve the Oha soup hot with your choice of fufu, eba, or pounded yam. 
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