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Gateau Piment from Mauritius

Gateau Piment from Mauritius

Gateau Piment, which comes from Mauritius's sun-kissed landscapes, is a beloved treat among both locals and visitors. These delicious "chilli cakes" combine split yellow peas with the spiciness of green chillies to create a mouthwatering snack that reflects the island's culinary tradition. The story of Gateau Piment is intertwined within Mauritius' rich cultural tapestry. The island's cuisine reflects a fusion of Indian, African, Chinese, and European culinary influences and has been shaped by centuries of commerce, colonization, and migration. As a result of this cultural blending, Gateau Piment is created, demonstrating the island's skill in fusing many world flavors and cooking methods.

Gateau Piment evolved through time from a source of nourishment to a representation of Mauritian culinary identity. The recipe, which had been refined over several generations, welcomed additions like finely sliced onions, minced garlic, and fragrant coriander leaves. In addition to enhancing the taste, this ensemble of ingredients captured the island's cultural medley on a single platter.

The popularity of Gateau Piment grew, earning it a spot at food stands, family get-togethers, and cultural events all around the island. Its humble beginnings and strong flavors struck a chord with all Mauritanians. These chili cakes forged ties of community and shared history, whether they were enjoyed as a fast snack on the street or the centerpiece of festive feasts.

Preparation Time

45 minutes




1 cup split yellow peas (soaked overnight) 

1 teaspoon cumin seeds 

Vegetable oil

1 small onion (chopped) 

2-3 cloves of garlic (minced) 

Coriander leaves (chopped) 

6-8 green chilies 






  • Drain and rinse the soaked split yellow peas thoroughly. 
  • Add the split yellow peas, green chilies, chopped onion, minced garlic, cumin seeds, and salt in a food processor
  • Pulse the mixture in the food processor until you get a coarse and slightly grainy texture. 
  • Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl and add the chopped coriander leaves. Mix everything well.
  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium-high heat. 
  • Take small portions of the mixture and shape them into small round cakes or patties using your hands. 
  • Carefully slide the shaped cakes into the hot oil and fry them until they turn golden brown and crispy. 
  • Once the Gateau Piment is cooked, use a slotted spoon to remove it from the oil and place it on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil.
  • Serve the Gateau Piment hot.