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Zambian Samp Recipe: Ubwali

Zambian Samp Recipe: Ubwali

Zambia is one of many African nations where Samp is a well-liked meal. It is frequently offered as a side dish and is comparable to grits or maize porridge. It’s also known as "U

Ubwali" in some parts of Zambia and has long been a mainstay of the national diet. The production and consumption of maize, which was brought to Africa by Portuguese explorers and traders in the 16th century, had a significant impact on its history. The local environment soon adapted to maize, making it an essential crop for food.

Samp remained a staple in Zambian cuisine as the country advanced through many historical eras, from pre-colonial times to British colonial control and finally independence. It transcended generations to become a representation of cultural identity and resiliency.

Preparation Time

Approximately 7 to 8 hours



2 cups dried Samp (maize kernels)

Water for soaking

4-6 cups water 







  • Place the dried samp in a large bowl.
  • Add enough water to cover the samp by a few inches.
  • Allow the samp to soak for at least 6 hours or overnight to soften the Kernels. Drain the water from the samp.
  • Rinse the samp thoroughly under cold running water to remove any debris.
  • Place the soaked and rinsed samp in a large pot.
  • Pour in enough water to cover the samp by about 2 inches.
  • Place the pot over high heat and bring the water to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the samp simmer.
  • Allow the samp to simmer for about an hour. Check and add salt.
  • Serve hot as a side dish.