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Nigerian Okro Soup

Nigerian Okro Soup

[[ recipeID=recipe-8ljnvx5u9, title=Nigerian Okro Soup ]]

Nigerian Okro Soup

Okro soup, also known as okra soup, is a popular Nigerian dish that is made with okra, a green vegetable that is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K. This soup is a staple in many Nigerian homes, and it is often served with fufu, a starchy dough made from cassava. 

With the right ingredients and a few simple steps, anyone can make a delicious pot of okro soup at home. Whether you are a fan of Nigerian cuisine or just looking to try something new, okro soup is definitely worth a try!

Servings: 1


  • Prep Time: 0 mins
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Total Time: 0 mins




  • 1 pound of fresh okra, chopped
  • 1 pound of meat (beef, chicken, or goat meat)
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons of palm oil or vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of ground crayfish
  • 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh pepper
  • Salt and seasoning cubes to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of ogiri or iru (optional)


  1. Wash the meat thoroughly and boil it in a pot with 2-3 cups of water until it is tender. Set the meat aside and keep the broth in the pot.
  2. In another pot, heat up the palm oil or vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and sauté until they are translucent.
  3. Add the chopped okra to the pot and stir well for about 5 minutes. This will help to reduce the slime that is often associated with okra.
  4. Add the meat broth to the pot and stir well.
  5. Add the ground crayfish, pepper, salt, and seasoning cubes to the pot and stir well.
  6. Add the cooked meat to the pot and stir well.
  7. Reduce the heat and let the soup simmer for about 10-15 minutes. This will help to thicken the soup.
  8. If using ogiri or iru, crumble it into the soup and stir well.
  9. Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  10. Serve the okro soup hot with fufu or any other starchy side dish of your choice.
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